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A high-performance multifunctional lubricant additive for water–glycol hydraulic fluid
王俊明; 王建华; 李春生; 赵改青; 王晓波
Source PublicationTribol Lett
KeywordMultifunctional Water-soluble Additive Tribological Properties Water–glycol Hydraulic FLuid
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program)(Grant NO.2007CB607606)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project工业润滑研究组
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author王晓波
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
王俊明,王建华,李春生,等. A high-performance multifunctional lubricant additive for water–glycol hydraulic fluid[J]. Tribol Lett,2011,43(无期):235-245.
APA 王俊明,王建华,李春生,赵改青,&王晓波.(2011).A high-performance multifunctional lubricant additive for water–glycol hydraulic fluid.Tribol Lett,43(无期),235-245.
MLA 王俊明,et al."A high-performance multifunctional lubricant additive for water–glycol hydraulic fluid".Tribol Lett 43.无期(2011):235-245.
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