Mechanism of artemisinin phytotoxicity action: Induction of reactive oxygen species and cell death in lettuce seedlings
Yan ZQ(燕志强)1,2; Wang DD(王丹丹)3; Ding L(丁兰)3; Cui HY(崔海燕)1,2; Jin H(金辉)1,2,4; Yang XY(杨晓燕)1,2; Yang JS(杨建设)3; Qin B(秦波)1,2; Qin B(秦波)
Source PublicationPlant Physiology and Biochemistry

Artemisinin has been recognized as an allelochemical that inhibits growth of several plant species. However, its mode of action is not well clarified. In this study, the mechanism of artemisinin phytotoxicity on lettuce seedlings was investigated. Root and shoot elongation of lettuce seedlings were inhibited by artemisinin in a concentration-dependent manner. The compound effectively arrested cell division and caused loss of cell viability in root tips of lettuce. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was induced by artemisinin. Lipid peroxidation, proline overproduction and reduction of chlorophyll content in lettuce seedlings were found after treatments. These results suggested that artemisinin could induce ROS overproduction, which caused membrane lipids peroxidation and cell death, and impacted mitosis and physiological processes, resulting in growth inhibition of receptor plants.

KeywordArtemisinin Cell Viability Lettuce Mitosis Phytotoxicity Reactive Oxygen Species
Subject Area植物化学生态研究
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (31070386;31300290), around five top priorities program of “One-Three-Five” Strategic Planning of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;the Open Project of Key Laboratory of Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pests Monitoring Controlling and Integrated Management, Institute of Tobacco Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IPM201404);the Province-academy Cooperation Program of Henan Province of China (102106000021)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project植物化学生态研究组
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Cited Times:43[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorQin B(秦波)
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, Key Lab Chem Northwestern Plant Resources, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, Key Lab Nat Med Gansu Prov, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
3.Northwest Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China
4.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Tobacco Res, Key Lab Tobacco Dis & Insect Pests Monitoring Con, Qingdao 266101, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yan ZQ,Wang DD,Ding L,et al. Mechanism of artemisinin phytotoxicity action: Induction of reactive oxygen species and cell death in lettuce seedlings[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2015,88:53-59.
APA Yan ZQ.,Wang DD.,Ding L.,Cui HY.,Jin H.,...&秦波.(2015).Mechanism of artemisinin phytotoxicity action: Induction of reactive oxygen species and cell death in lettuce seedlings.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,88,53-59.
MLA Yan ZQ,et al."Mechanism of artemisinin phytotoxicity action: Induction of reactive oxygen species and cell death in lettuce seedlings".Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 88(2015):53-59.
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