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Large-size graphene microsheets as a protective layer for transparent conductive silver nanowire film heaters
Zhang X(张旭)1; Yan XB(阎兴斌)1,2; Chen JT(陈江涛)1; Zhao JP(赵金平)1; Yan XB(阎兴斌)
The second department固体润滑国家重点实验室
Source PublicationCarbon

A new strategy is reported for the fabrication of silver nanowire (AgNW) film heaters using reduced small/or large-size graphene oxide (rSGO or rLGO) sheets as an over-coating protective layer. The results show that ultrathin rLGO microsheets provide the best combination of protective effect and electrical properties on AgNW networks and thus could enable the design of high-performance transparent film heaters. As a consequence, good optical transparency and electrical conductivity, good oxidation resistance and thermal stability, and good heating performances are achieved with as-made rLGO/AgNW film heaters. Specifically, the rLGO/AgNW hybrid film annealed at 700 ℃ shows a low sheet resistance of 27 Ω sq_1 and a good optical transparency of 80%. Furthermore, it exhibits good heating characteristics and defrosting performance at low voltages. The results presented here may pave the way for a new promising application of rLGO/AgNW hybrid film in transparent film heaters and other electrical devices.

Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe Top Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;the National Nature Science Foundations of China (51005225;51002161)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project低维材料与化学储能课题组
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Cited Times:164[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYan XB(阎兴斌)
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, Lab Clean Energy Chem & Mat, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Solid Lubricat, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhang X,Yan XB,Chen JT,et al. Large-size graphene microsheets as a protective layer for transparent conductive silver nanowire film heaters[J]. Carbon,2014,69:437-443.
APA Zhang X,Yan XB,Chen JT,Zhao JP,&阎兴斌.(2014).Large-size graphene microsheets as a protective layer for transparent conductive silver nanowire film heaters.Carbon,69,437-443.
MLA Zhang X,et al."Large-size graphene microsheets as a protective layer for transparent conductive silver nanowire film heaters".Carbon 69(2014):437-443.
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