Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Crumpled Boron and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphite Layers with Tunable Bond Structure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Jin JT(金具涛)1,2; Pan FP(潘富平)1; Jiang LH(姜鲁华)2; Fu XG(付小刚)1; Liang AM(梁爱民)1; Wei ZY(魏志阳)1; Zhang JY(张俊彦)1; Sun GQ(孙公权)2; Zhang JY(张俊彦); Sun GQ(孙公权)
The second department固体润滑国家重点实验室
Source PublicationACS Nano
AbstractTwo-dimensional materials based on ternary system of B, C and N are useful ranging from electric devices to catalysis. The bonding arrangement within these BCN nanosheets largely determines their electronic structure and thus chemical and (or) physical properties, yet it remains a challenge to manipulate their bond structures in a convenient and controlled manner. Recently, we developed a synthetic protocol for the synthesis of crumpled BCN nanosheets with tunable B and N bond structure using urea, boric acid and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as precursors. By carefully selecting the synthesis condition, we can tune the structure of BCN sheets from s-BCN with B and N bond together to h-BCN with B and N homogenously dispersed in BCN sheets. Detailed experiments suggest that the final bond structure of B and N in graphene depends on the preferentially doped N structure in BCN nanosheets. When N substituted the in-plane carbon atom with all its electrons configured into the π electron system of graphene, it facilitates the formation of h-BCN with B and N in separated state. On the contrary, when nitrogen substituted the edge-plane carbon with the nitrogen dopant surrounded with the lone electron pairs, it benefits for the formation of B—N structure. Specially, the compound riched with h-BCN shows excellent ORR performance in alkaline solution due to the synergistic effect between B and N, while s-BCN dominant BCN shows graphite-like activity for ORR, suggesting the intrinsic properties differences of BCN nanosheets with different dopants bond arrangement.
KeywordCatalyst-free Bcn Sheet Tunable Bond Structure Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project纳米润滑研究组
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Cited Times:249[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhang JY(张俊彦); Sun GQ(孙公权)
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Solid Lubricat, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Lab Fuel Cell, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Jin JT,Pan FP,Jiang LH,et al. Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Crumpled Boron and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphite Layers with Tunable Bond Structure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction[J]. ACS Nano,2014,8(4):3313-3321.
APA Jin JT.,Pan FP.,Jiang LH.,Fu XG.,Liang AM.,...&孙公权.(2014).Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Crumpled Boron and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphite Layers with Tunable Bond Structure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction.ACS Nano,8(4),3313-3321.
MLA Jin JT,et al."Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Crumpled Boron and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphite Layers with Tunable Bond Structure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction".ACS Nano 8.4(2014):3313-3321.
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