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Research on two novel functional citral-based azobenzene derivatives with different substituted groups
Zhou JX(周靖欣); Jiao TF(焦体峰); Li XH(李旭辉); Liu WZ(刘文柱); Xing YY(邢媛媛)
Source PublicationAdvanced Materials Research
AbstractTwo functional citral-based azobenzene derivatives with different substituted groups have been synthesized and their photoisomerization have also been investigated. It has been found that depending on different substituted groups, the formed azobenzene derivatives showed different properties, indicating distinct regulation of molecular skeletons. UV and IR data confirmed commonly the characteristic absorption of citral chain and aromatic segments in molecular structures. The photoisomerization of these compounds both in solution and in cast film were investigated and showed changes depending on different substituted groups. The present results have demonstrated that the special properties of azobenzene derivatives can be effectively turned by modifying molecular structures of objective compounds with proper substituted groups, which show potential application in functional material field.
KeywordAzobenzene Citral Functional Material Substituted Groups Spectral Measurement Thermal Analysis
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.20903078);the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (NO.B2009000347);the Support Program for Hundred Excellent Innovation Talents from Universities and Colleges of Hebei Province (NO.CPRC020);the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication (Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics;CAS) (NO.1002);the Scientific Research Plan of Education Department of Hebei Province (NO.Z2009146);the Scientific and Technological Research and Development Program of Qinhuangdao City (NO.201001A101);the Doctoral Foundation of Yanshan University (NO.B360)
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorJiao TF(焦体峰)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhou JX,Jiao TF,Li XH,et al. Research on two novel functional citral-based azobenzene derivatives with different substituted groups[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2011,239-242:1819-1822.
APA 周靖欣,焦体峰,李旭辉,刘文柱,&邢媛媛.(2011).Research on two novel functional citral-based azobenzene derivatives with different substituted groups.Advanced Materials Research,239-242,1819-1822.
MLA 周靖欣,et al."Research on two novel functional citral-based azobenzene derivatives with different substituted groups".Advanced Materials Research 239-242(2011):1819-1822.
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