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Syntheses and single crystal struictures of chiral tetrahedral clusters containing osmium
Hu B(胡斌); Zhao QY(赵全义); Xia CG(夏春谷); Yin YQ(殷元骐)
Source PublicationInorganica Chimica Acta
AbstractNew chiral tetrahedral clusters (l3-S)OsCoMo(CO)8C5H4C(O)R(R = H 2, CH3 3, C6H4C(O)OCH3 4) were synthesized by the reaction of the precursor (l3-S)OsCo2(CO)9 1 with the functionally substituted metal exchange reagents [Mo(CO)3(g5-C5H4)C(O)R] (R = H, CH3, C6H4C(O)OCH3). Then clusters 2, 3 and 4 were treated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to obtain clusters (l3-S)OsCoMo(CO)8C5H4CNNHC6H3(NO2)2R (R = H 5, CH3 6, C6H4C(O)OCH3 7), respectively. All the clusters were characterized by Element Analysis, IR and 1H NMR. The structures of clusters 3 and 4 were established by X-ray single crystal diffraction. Interestingly, carbonyl group on the cyclopentadienyl ligand and cyclopentadienyl ring are not in the same plane, in cluster 3, torsion angle C27–C28–C29–O18 is 176.1(9), but in cluster 4, torsion angle C12–C13–C14–O9 is 167.5(17), which shows that carbonyl function group on the cyclopentadienyl ligand offsets the cyclopentadienyl ring more markedly than that in cluster 3. It showed that both conjugated effects and space hinder of phenyl ring in the cluster 4 are important factors to decide atoms positioning in three-dimensional structure of the clusters.
KeywordOsmium Clusters Chiral Tetrahedron Crystal Structure
Subject Area羰基金属功能材料
Funding Organizationthe national natural science foundation of china
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project羰基金属功能材料研究组 ; 清洁催化与生物转化研究组
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHu B(胡斌)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hu B,Zhao QY,Xia CG,et al. Syntheses and single crystal struictures of chiral tetrahedral clusters containing osmium[J]. Inorganica Chimica Acta,2009,362:4659-4662.
APA 胡斌,赵全义,夏春谷,&殷元骐.(2009).Syntheses and single crystal struictures of chiral tetrahedral clusters containing osmium.Inorganica Chimica Acta,362,4659-4662.
MLA 胡斌,et al."Syntheses and single crystal struictures of chiral tetrahedral clusters containing osmium".Inorganica Chimica Acta 362(2009):4659-4662.
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