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Asymmetric Michael Addition of Trisubstituted Carbanion to Nitroalkenes Catalyzed by Sodium Demethylquinine Salt in Water
Chen FX(陈福欣); Shao C(邵成); Liu Q(刘谦); Gong P(龚频); Liu CL(刘春良); Wang R(王锐)
Source PublicationChirality
AbstractA mild method for the asymmetric synthesis of quaternary and tertiary carbon centers has been developed through Michael addition of trisubstituted carbon nucleophile to nitroalkenes catalyzed by low loading sodium demethylquinine salt in water.
KeywordOrganocatalysis Nitroalkenes Quinine Derivate Quaternary Carbon Centers Water
Subject Area物理化学
Funding OrganizationState Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry and Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Lanzhou University, China, Ministry of Education of China;Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract grant numbers: 20525206;20772052;20621091)
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:15[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorWang R(王锐)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Chen FX,Shao C,Liu Q,et al. Asymmetric Michael Addition of Trisubstituted Carbanion to Nitroalkenes Catalyzed by Sodium Demethylquinine Salt in Water[J]. Chirality,2009,21:600-603.
APA 陈福欣,邵成,刘谦,龚频,刘春良,&王锐.(2009).Asymmetric Michael Addition of Trisubstituted Carbanion to Nitroalkenes Catalyzed by Sodium Demethylquinine Salt in Water.Chirality,21,600-603.
MLA 陈福欣,et al."Asymmetric Michael Addition of Trisubstituted Carbanion to Nitroalkenes Catalyzed by Sodium Demethylquinine Salt in Water".Chirality 21(2009):600-603.
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