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Regulating Role of Cobalt Oxide on Deleterious Chlorine Ion over PdO/SiO2 for CO Oxidation
Department羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室 ; 精细石油化工中间体国家工程研究中心
Wang F(王芳); Lv GX(吕功煊)
Source PublicationJournal of Physical Chemistry C
AbstractIn this paper, the regulating role of CoOx on deleterious Cl- over PdO/SiO2 for CO oxidation has been thoroughly studied. By comparing the catalyst prepared from Pd(NO3)2 and PdCl2, the deleterious effect of Cl- has been confirmed. The addition of CoOx leads to the significant temperature-dependent variation of catalysts performance. Calcination below 500 °C weakens the interaction between PdCl4 2- and silica and results in the remarkable agglomeration of Pd on the silica surface and low activity. However, the presence of CoOx is able to inhibit the agglomeration of PdO at high temperature, and leads catalyst showing higher activity. HRTEM and TPR results support this conclusion and indicate a stronger interaction between PdO and CoO in catalyst after the sample calcined at temperature higher than 500 °C, partially because of the complete decomposition of PdCl2 species. The addition of CoOx can stabilize PdO species, which provide more active centers for the adsorption of reactants. Results also indicated that the CO reaction oxidation occurs at the interface between PdO and CoOx.
Subject Area环境催化与清洁能源
Funding OrganizationThe 973 programs (2007CB210204;2007CB613305;2009CB220003)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project环境催化与清洁能源研究组 ; 环境催化与氢能源研究组
Citation statistics
Cited Times:16[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLv GX(吕功煊)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang F,Lv GX. Regulating Role of Cobalt Oxide on Deleterious Chlorine Ion over PdO/SiO2 for CO Oxidation[J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2009,113(39):17070-17075.
APA 王芳,&吕功煊.(2009).Regulating Role of Cobalt Oxide on Deleterious Chlorine Ion over PdO/SiO2 for CO Oxidation.Journal of Physical Chemistry C,113(39),17070-17075.
MLA 王芳,et al."Regulating Role of Cobalt Oxide on Deleterious Chlorine Ion over PdO/SiO2 for CO Oxidation".Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113.39(2009):17070-17075.
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