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Magnesium-Magnesium Bond Stabilized by a Doubly Reduced α-Diimine:Synthesis and Structure of [K(THF)3]2[LMg-MgL] (L=[(2,6-iPr2C6H3)NC(Me)]22-)
Department羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室 ; 精细石油化工中间体国家工程研究中心
Liu YY(刘艳艳); Li SG(李少光); Yang XJ(杨晓娟); Yang PJ(杨培菊); Wu B(吴彪)
Source PublicationJournal of the American Chemical Society
Subject Area金属有机与超分子催化
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 20771103);the “Bairen Jihua” project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project金属有机与超分子催化研究组 ; 金属有机功能材料研究组
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYang XJ(杨晓娟); Wu B(吴彪)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Liu YY,Li SG,Yang XJ,et al. Magnesium-Magnesium Bond Stabilized by a Doubly Reduced α-Diimine:Synthesis and Structure of [K(THF)3]2[LMg-MgL] (L=[(2,6-iPr2C6H3)NC(Me)]22-)[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society,2009,131:4210–4211.
APA 刘艳艳,李少光,杨晓娟,杨培菊,&吴彪.(2009).Magnesium-Magnesium Bond Stabilized by a Doubly Reduced α-Diimine:Synthesis and Structure of [K(THF)3]2[LMg-MgL] (L=[(2,6-iPr2C6H3)NC(Me)]22-).Journal of the American Chemical Society,131,4210–4211.
MLA 刘艳艳,et al."Magnesium-Magnesium Bond Stabilized by a Doubly Reduced α-Diimine:Synthesis and Structure of [K(THF)3]2[LMg-MgL] (L=[(2,6-iPr2C6H3)NC(Me)]22-)".Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(2009):4210–4211.
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