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Low-temperature selective oxidation of methane to ethane and ethylene over BaCO3/La2O3 catalysts prepared by urea combustion method
Wang JX(王嘉欣); Chou LJ(丑凌军); Zhang B(张兵); Song HL(宋焕玲); Yang J(杨建); Zhao J(赵军); Li SB(李树本); Li SB(李树本)
Source PublicationCatalysis Communications
AbstractA series of BaCO3/La2O3 catalysts have been prepared using urea combustion method, and tested their activity in oxidative conversion of methane to ethane and ethylene below 600 ℃. For 5% BaCO3/La2O3 catalyst, under integral conditions, CH4 conversion of 31.8% with C2 selectivity of 45.9% have been obtained at 320 ℃. With the increase of BaCO3 contents, CH4 conversion and C2 selectivity are improved. The temperature profiles of reactor have been described and found that the distribution of hot spots on catalyst bed is related to the low-temperature activity of catalyst.
KeywordLow-temperature Oxidative Coupling Of Methane Baco3/la2o3 Catalyst Urea Combustion Method Hot Spot
Funding Organizationthe Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant 1999022406);Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant 20378081)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project天然气化工组
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Cited Times:25[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLi SB(李树本)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang JX,Chou LJ,Zhang B,et al. Low-temperature selective oxidation of methane to ethane and ethylene over BaCO3/La2O3 catalysts prepared by urea combustion method[J]. Catalysis Communications,2005,7:59-63.
APA Wang JX.,Chou LJ.,Zhang B.,Song HL.,Yang J.,...&李树本.(2005).Low-temperature selective oxidation of methane to ethane and ethylene over BaCO3/La2O3 catalysts prepared by urea combustion method.Catalysis Communications,7,59-63.
MLA Wang JX,et al."Low-temperature selective oxidation of methane to ethane and ethylene over BaCO3/La2O3 catalysts prepared by urea combustion method".Catalysis Communications 7(2005):59-63.
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