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Effect of Glycerol and Glucose on the Enhancement of Biomass, Lipid and Soluble Carbohydrate Production by Chlorella vulgaris in Mixotrophic Culture
Kong WB(孔维宝)1,2; Yang H(杨红)2; Cao YT(曹云涛)2; Song H(宋昊)1; Hua SF(华绍烽)1; Xia CG(夏春谷)1; Kong WB(孔维宝); Xia CG(夏春谷)
Source PublicationFood Technology and Biotechnology
AbstractBiodiesel-derived glycerol is a promising substrate for mixotrophic cultivation of oleaginous microalgae, which can also reduce the cost of microalgal biodiesel. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of using glycerol and glucose as a complex carbon substrate to produce microalgal biomass and biochemical components, such as photosynthetic pigments, lipids, soluble carbohydrates and proteins by Chlorella vulgaris. The results show that C. vulgaris can utilize glycerol as a sole carbon substrate, but its effect is inferior to that of the mixture of glycerol and glucose. The effect of glycerol and glucose could enhance the algal cell growth rate, biomass content and volumetric productivity, and overcome the lower biomass production on glycerol as the sole organic carbon source in mixotrophic culture medium. The utilization of complex organic carbon substrate can stimulate the biosynthesis of lipids and soluble carbohydrates as the raw materials for biodiesel and bioethanol production, and reduce the anabolism of photosynthetic pigments and proteins. This study provides a promising niche for reducing the overall cost of biodiesel and bioethanol production from microalgae as it investigates the by-products of algal biodiesel production and algal cell hydrolysis as possible raw materials (lipids and carbohydrates) and organic carbon substrates (soluble carbohydrates and glycerol) for mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae.
KeywordChlorella Vulgaris Glycerol Glucose Biomass Production Biochemical Components Mixotrophic Cultivation
Funding OrganizationNational Science Found for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (Grant No. 20625308);Research Fund for Young Teachers of Northwest Normal University (Grant No. NWNU-LKQN-10-30)
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:126[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorKong WB(孔维宝); Xia CG(夏春谷)
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Oxo Synth & Select Oxidat, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
2.Northwest Normal Univ, Coll Life Sci, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Kong WB,Yang H,Cao YT,et al. Effect of Glycerol and Glucose on the Enhancement of Biomass, Lipid and Soluble Carbohydrate Production by Chlorella vulgaris in Mixotrophic Culture[J]. Food Technology and Biotechnology,2013,51(1):62-69.
APA Kong WB.,Yang H.,Cao YT.,Song H.,Hua SF.,...&夏春谷.(2013).Effect of Glycerol and Glucose on the Enhancement of Biomass, Lipid and Soluble Carbohydrate Production by Chlorella vulgaris in Mixotrophic Culture.Food Technology and Biotechnology,51(1),62-69.
MLA Kong WB,et al."Effect of Glycerol and Glucose on the Enhancement of Biomass, Lipid and Soluble Carbohydrate Production by Chlorella vulgaris in Mixotrophic Culture".Food Technology and Biotechnology 51.1(2013):62-69.
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