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Lubricating a bright future: Lubrication contribution to energy saving and low carbon emission
Cai MR(蔡美荣); Guo RS(郭瑞生); Zhou F(周峰); Liu WM(刘维民); Liu WM(刘维民)
Source PublicationSCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences
AbstractBoth the academic society and the industry are hunting for new energy forms for the future. However, the world should not forget the conventional technologies that contribute to the sustainable society by technical innovations. Among them, lubrication plays a significant role in energy saving and in low CO2 emission by increasing the fuel efficiency and by prolonging the service life of machines. With the advance of novel synthetic approaches, and nanoscience and technologies, novel lubrication oils and additives and their formulations are being developed to reduce friction and wear, and novel surface treatment routes and surface coatings are invented and provide more efficient lubrication. These technologies create tremendous chances for machines to work more efficiently with low energy consumption. Here we review the recent progresses and challenges associated with some novel lubrication techniques that include novel surface treatment (such as texturing, high-performance nanocomposite coatings, adapting coating), tribology design (solid and liquid lubrication), energy-conserving engine oil and novel lubricants and formula (such as ionic liquids, low S, P content additives) which are to be adopted to enhance the fuel efficiency to achieve energy saving and low carbon emission. There is increased demand to replace fossil lubricants by degradable green lubricants. Specially designed coatings can reduce drag significantly during navigation of both airplanes and ships. All these aspects will be also reviewed in the paper.
KeywordEnergy Saving Low Carbon Emission Lubricant Additives Coating Drag Reduction
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 21125316;50935008;51305428);the “Hundred Talents Program” of CAS
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project材料表面与界面行为研究组;空间润滑材料组
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Cited Times:84[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiu WM(刘维民)
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Solid Lubricat, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Cai MR,Guo RS,Zhou F,et al. Lubricating a bright future: Lubrication contribution to energy saving and low carbon emission[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,2013,56(12):2888-2913.
APA Cai MR,Guo RS,Zhou F,Liu WM,&刘维民.(2013).Lubricating a bright future: Lubrication contribution to energy saving and low carbon emission.SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,56(12),2888-2913.
MLA Cai MR,et al."Lubricating a bright future: Lubrication contribution to energy saving and low carbon emission".SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 56.12(2013):2888-2913.
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