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2,6-Dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-methylbenzenamine Nickel Dibromides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ethylene Polymerization
Liu H(刘浩); Zhao WZ(赵炜珍); Hao X(郝项); Carl Redshaw; Huang W(黄伟); Sun WH(孙文华)
Source PublicationOrganometallics
AbstractA series of 2,6-dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-methylbenzenamines (L1 L5) and the nickel(II) dibromide complexes thereof (C1 C5) were synthesized and fully characterized. The molecular structures of representative complexes were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and revealed a distorted-pyramidal geometry at nickel. All nickel(II) procatalysts exhibited very high activity for the polymerization of ethylene, with activities as high as the range of 107 g of PE (mol of Ni) 1 h 1.
Subject Area物理化学
Funding Organizationthe MOST 863 program No. 2009AA033601;C.R. thanks the EPSRC for an overseas travel grant (No. EP/H031855/1)
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:201[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSun WH(孙文华)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Liu H,Zhao WZ,Hao X,et al. 2,6-Dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-methylbenzenamine Nickel Dibromides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ethylene Polymerization[J]. Organometallics,2011,30:2418-2424.
APA 刘浩,赵炜珍,郝项,Carl Redshaw,黄伟,&孙文华.(2011).2,6-Dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-methylbenzenamine Nickel Dibromides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ethylene Polymerization.Organometallics,30,2418-2424.
MLA 刘浩,et al."2,6-Dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-methylbenzenamine Nickel Dibromides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ethylene Polymerization".Organometallics 30(2011):2418-2424.
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