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Photo-induced phase transition from multilamellar vesicles to wormlike micelles
Wang D(王栋); Dong RH(董人豪); Long PF(龙攀峰); Hao JC(郝京诚)
Source PublicationSoft Matter
AbstractA novel complex fluid system of tetradecyldimethylamine oxide (C14DMAO) mixed with para- coumaric acid (PCA) in water was investigated. The phase behavior was determined in detail; one observed sequentially the L1-phase (micelles), two-phase L1/La,La-phase (vesicles), and La/precipitates with increasing PCA concentration at constant concentration of C14DMAO. The samples in the regions of micelles and vesicles were characterized by rheological measurements and cryo-TEM observations. Fascinatingly, we found a phase transition from vesicles to wormlike micelles performed via UV-light irradiation. The properties and structures after UV-light irradiation were determined by rheological measurements and cryo-TEMobservations to demonstrate the phase transition. To the best of our knowledge, this transition is rarely reported, which could provide a better understanding of the phase transition via light irradiation and find potential applications in drug delivery, biochemistry, and the oilfield industry.
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe NSFC (Grant NO.21033005);the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program;2009CB930103);NFS of Shandong Province (Z2008B01)
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:99[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHao JC(郝京诚)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang D,Dong RH,Long PF,et al. Photo-induced phase transition from multilamellar vesicles to wormlike micelles[J]. Soft Matter,2011,7:10713-10719.
APA 王栋,董人豪,龙攀峰,&郝京诚.(2011).Photo-induced phase transition from multilamellar vesicles to wormlike micelles.Soft Matter,7,10713-10719.
MLA 王栋,et al."Photo-induced phase transition from multilamellar vesicles to wormlike micelles".Soft Matter 7(2011):10713-10719.
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