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Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-9-epi-Metazocine
陈强; 火星; 郑怀基; 厍学功
Source PublicationSynlett
Abstract(–)-9-epi-Metazocine was synthesized through an Evans syn aldol reaction, ring-closing metathesis reaction and intramolecular radical cyclization.
KeywordAsymmetric Drug Development Aldol Ring-closing Metathesis Radical Cyclization
Subject Area物理化学
Funding Organizationthe MOST (2010CB833200);the NSFC (21072086;21125207);Program 111
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author厍学功
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
陈强,火星,郑怀基,等. Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-9-epi-Metazocine[J]. Synlett,2012,23:1349-1352.
APA 陈强,火星,郑怀基,&厍学功.(2012).Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-9-epi-Metazocine.Synlett,23,1349-1352.
MLA 陈强,et al."Asymmetric Synthesis of (–)-9-epi-Metazocine".Synlett 23(2012):1349-1352.
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