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N-(5,6,7-Trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylaminonickel dichlorides as highly active single-site pro-catalysts in ethylene polymerization
Yu JG(余建刚); Ceng YN(曾艳宁); Huang W(黄伟); Hao X(郝项); Sun WH(孙文华)
Source PublicationDalton Trans.
AbstractA series of N-(5,6,7-trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylamine ligands was synthesized and fully characterized by NMR, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Dimeric N-(5,6,7- trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylaminonickel dichlorides were prepared and examined by IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis, and the molecular structures of the representative nickel complexes were determined by the single crystal X-ray diffraction. On treatment with various alkylaluminiums, all the title complexes exhibited highly active, single-site active behavior for ethylene polymerization producing polyethylene (PE) waxes. The catalytic systems using the co-catalysts diethylaluminium chloride (Et2AlCl) or methylaluminoxane (MAO) were investigated in detail, and the molecular weights and distributions of the PEs obtained were found to significantly rely on the nature of the different ligands present and reaction parameters such as the molar ratios of Al/Ni, reaction
Subject Area物理化学
Funding OrganizationMOST 863 program No. 2009AA033601
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:93[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSun WH(孙文华)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yu JG,Ceng YN,Huang W,et al. N-(5,6,7-Trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylaminonickel dichlorides as highly active single-site pro-catalysts in ethylene polymerization[J]. Dalton Trans.,2011,40:8436-8443.
APA 余建刚,曾艳宁,黄伟,郝项,&孙文华.(2011).N-(5,6,7-Trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylaminonickel dichlorides as highly active single-site pro-catalysts in ethylene polymerization.Dalton Trans.,40,8436-8443.
MLA 余建刚,et al."N-(5,6,7-Trihydroquinolin-8-ylidene)arylaminonickel dichlorides as highly active single-site pro-catalysts in ethylene polymerization".Dalton Trans. 40(2011):8436-8443.
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