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2-[1-(2,6-Dibenzhydryl-4-methylphenylimino)ethyl]-6-[1-(arylimino)ethyl]-pyridylcobalt(II) dichlorides: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior
Yu JG(余建刚); Huang W(黄伟); Wang L(王林); Carl Redshaw; Sun WH(孙文华)
Source PublicationDalton Trans.
AbstractA series of unsymmetrical 2,6-bis(imino)pyridylcobalt(II) complexes, {2-[2,6-(CH(C6H5)2)2-4-Me– C6H2N C(CH3)]-6-(2,6-R1 2-4-R2–C6H2N CCH3)–C5H3NCoCl2} where R1 = Me, Et or iPr, R2 = H or Me, together with the new symmetrical complex 2,6-[2,6-(CH(C6H5)2)2-4-Me–C6H2N C(CH3)]2– C5H3NCoCl2, were synthesized. All of the compounds were fully characterized by 1HNMRand IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. The molecular structures of Co1 (R1 = Me, R2 = H) and Co5 (R1 = Et, R2 = Me) were further confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction, which indicated that the cobalt centres were penta-coordinate with a pseudo square-pyramidal geometry. Upon treatment with MAO or MMAO, these cobalt pre-catalysts exhibited higher activities than any previously reported cobalt pre-catalysts, with values as high as 4.64 ¥ 106 g PE mol-1(Co) h-1 for ethylene polymerization at atmospheric pressure. The polyethylenes obtained were of high molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution.
Subject Area物理化学
Funding OrganizationMOST 863 program No. 2009AA034601;The EPSRC are thanked for the awarded travel grant (to C. R.).
Indexed BySCI
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Cited Times:87[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSun WH(孙文华)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yu JG,Huang W,Wang L,et al. 2-[1-(2,6-Dibenzhydryl-4-methylphenylimino)ethyl]-6-[1-(arylimino)ethyl]-pyridylcobalt(II) dichlorides: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior[J]. Dalton Trans.,2011,40:10209-10214.
APA 余建刚,黄伟,王林,Carl Redshaw,&孙文华.(2011).2-[1-(2,6-Dibenzhydryl-4-methylphenylimino)ethyl]-6-[1-(arylimino)ethyl]-pyridylcobalt(II) dichlorides: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior.Dalton Trans.,40,10209-10214.
MLA 余建刚,et al."2-[1-(2,6-Dibenzhydryl-4-methylphenylimino)ethyl]-6-[1-(arylimino)ethyl]-pyridylcobalt(II) dichlorides: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior".Dalton Trans. 40(2011):10209-10214.
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