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Fabrication of Cu-doped cerium oxide nanofibers via electrospinning for preferential CO oxidation
Department羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室 ; 固体润滑国家重点实验室
Xu S(许珊); Sun DF(孙东飞); Liu H(刘华); Wang XL(王晓来); Yan XB(阎兴斌)
Source PublicationCatal. Commun.
AbstractA novel Cu-doped cerium oxide nanofibers catalyst was prepared via electrospinning and used for preferential CO oxidation (CO-PROX). The microstructure of as-prepared catalyst was characterized by XRD, BET, XPS, SEM, HRTEM, and H2-TPR. The results derived from catalytic reaction showed that the obtained Cu0.1Ce0.9O2–x nanofiber is an efficient catalyst for CO-PROX and the concentration of CO in tail gas can be reduced below than 100 ppm. The high catalytic activity of Cu0.1Ce0.9O2–x nanofiber is attributed to the high surface areas and the special fiber-like nanostructure with highly dispersed and active Cu2+ ions.
KeywordCu-doped Cerium Oxide Nanofiber Electrospinning Co-prox
Subject Area物理化学
Funding Organizationthe Top Hundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project多相催化研究组 ; 低维材料摩擦学组
Citation statistics
Cited Times:34[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorYan XB(阎兴斌)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu S,Sun DF,Liu H,et al. Fabrication of Cu-doped cerium oxide nanofibers via electrospinning for preferential CO oxidation[J]. Catal. Commun.,2011,12:514-518.
APA 许珊,孙东飞,刘华,王晓来,&阎兴斌.(2011).Fabrication of Cu-doped cerium oxide nanofibers via electrospinning for preferential CO oxidation.Catal. Commun.,12,514-518.
MLA 许珊,et al."Fabrication of Cu-doped cerium oxide nanofibers via electrospinning for preferential CO oxidation".Catal. Commun. 12(2011):514-518.
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