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Diving–floating locomotion induced by capturingand manipulating bubbles in an aqueousenvironment
Pan Tian1,2; Xiaoyu Gao1,2; Gang Wen1,2; Lieshuang Zhong1,2; Zelinlan Wang1,2; 郭志光1,2
The second departmentState Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author郭志光
Affiliation1.Hubei Collaborative Innovation Centre for Advanced Organic Chemical Materialsand Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for the Green Preparation andApplication of Functional Materials, Hubei University, Wuhan
2.State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Pan Tian,Xiaoyu Gao,Gang Wen,等. Diving–floating locomotion induced by capturingand manipulating bubbles in an aqueousenvironment[J]. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2018(54):11713.
APA Pan Tian,Xiaoyu Gao,Gang Wen,Lieshuang Zhong,Zelinlan Wang,&郭志光.(2018).Diving–floating locomotion induced by capturingand manipulating bubbles in an aqueousenvironment.CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS(54),11713.
MLA Pan Tian,et al."Diving–floating locomotion induced by capturingand manipulating bubbles in an aqueousenvironment".CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS .54(2018):11713.
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