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AC Electrochemical Stability of Ionic Liquids
Yang FL(杨富龙); Li ZP(李作鹏); Zhang SG(张世国); Zhang QH(张庆华); Hu XD(胡晓东); Zhang XP(张晓萍); Deng YQ(邓友全)
Source PublicationChem. Lett.
AbstractAC electrochemical windows (AC EWs) of ILs were first investigated on Pt, glass carbon (GC), and Au electrodes with frequency ranging from 20 to 100 Hz. The result showed that the AC EW of ILs was much wider than the DC EWs, and the AC EW increased markedly with frequency and with electrode in the order of GC > Pt > Au. Moreover, AC CVs of ILs provide not only different AC EWs but also different current density under identical voltage that are both structure-dependent.
Subject Area物理化学
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20533080)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project绿色催化课题组
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Cited Times:3[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhang XP(张晓萍); Deng YQ(邓友全)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yang FL,Li ZP,Zhang SG,et al. AC Electrochemical Stability of Ionic Liquids[J]. Chem. Lett.,2011,40(12):CL-110542(1-3).
APA 杨富龙.,李作鹏.,张世国.,张庆华.,胡晓东.,...&邓友全.(2011).AC Electrochemical Stability of Ionic Liquids.Chem. Lett.,40(12),CL-110542(1-3).
MLA 杨富龙,et al."AC Electrochemical Stability of Ionic Liquids".Chem. Lett. 40.12(2011):CL-110542(1-3).
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