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Adsorption properties and mechanism of cross-linked carboxymethyl-chitosan resin with Zn(II) as template ion
Sun SL(孙胜玲); Wang AQ(王爱勤); 王爱勤
Source PublicationReactive and Functional Polymers
AbstractThe influence factors of the pH value, the degree of substitution (DS) of carboxymethyl-chitosan (CMC) and the dosage of cross-linking agent on the adsorption for Zn(II) ion were investigated, and then the cross-linked CMC resin with Zn(II) as templateion was synthesized at the optimum adsorption conditions for Zn(II) ions. The adsorptionproperties and selectivity for Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II) ion were discussed. The results showed that the adsorption capacities of the resin for above metal ions are lower than those of CMC, but the selectivity for Zn(II) was greatly increased. The adsorptionmechanisms of CMC and the resin for zinc sulfate have also been investigated by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), IR spectra and SEM. The XPS and FT-IR spectra reveal that CMC and the resin coordinated with Zn(II) mainly through oxygen atom in the –CH2COO– and –OH groups, and nitrogen atom in the –NH2 group of the polymer chain. The SEM results show that the Zn(II) distribute on the surface of the resin–Zn(II) complex uniformly, while distribute on the surface of CMC–Zn(II) complex in the bulk.
KeywordAdsorption Mechanism Cross-linked Carboxymethyl-chitosan Zn(Ii) Resin
Subject Area胶体与界面
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project功能复合材料组
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Cited Times:80[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author王爱勤
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Sun SL,Wang AQ,王爱勤 Adsorption properties and mechanism of cross-linked carboxymethyl-chitosan resin with Zn(II) as template ion[J]. Reactive and Functional Polymers,2006,66:819-826.
APA 孙胜玲,王爱勤,&王爱勤 properties and mechanism of cross-linked carboxymethyl-chitosan resin with Zn(II) as template ion.Reactive and Functional Polymers,66,819-826.
MLA 孙胜玲,et al."Adsorption properties and mechanism of cross-linked carboxymethyl-chitosan resin with Zn(II) as template ion".Reactive and Functional Polymers 66(2006):819-826.
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