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Efficient Iron-Catalyzed Sakurai–Michael Addition of Allyltrimethylsilane to Chalcones
徐利文; 杨明松; 邱化玉; 来国桥; 蒋剑雄
Source PublicationSynthetic Communications
KeywordEnones Iron Lewis Acid Michael Addition Sakurai Reaction
Subject Area物理化学
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 20572114);Hangzhou Normal University
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author徐利文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
徐利文,杨明松,邱化玉,等. Efficient Iron-Catalyzed Sakurai–Michael Addition of Allyltrimethylsilane to Chalcones[J]. Synthetic Communications,2008,38:1011-1019.
APA 徐利文,杨明松,邱化玉,来国桥,&蒋剑雄.(2008).Efficient Iron-Catalyzed Sakurai–Michael Addition of Allyltrimethylsilane to Chalcones.Synthetic Communications,38,1011-1019.
MLA 徐利文,et al."Efficient Iron-Catalyzed Sakurai–Michael Addition of Allyltrimethylsilane to Chalcones".Synthetic Communications 38(2008):1011-1019.
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