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Palladium-Catalyzed Formal Insertion of Carbenoids into Aminals via C-N Bond Activation
Qin GP(秦贵平); Li LX(李立新); Li JW(李加文); Huang HM(黄汉民); Huang HM(黄汉民)
Source PublicationJournal of the American Chemical Society

A new strategy for selective insertion of metal carbenes into C–N bond has been developed via Pd-catalyzed C–N bond activation. A series of aminals and α-diazoesters with different substituents were successfully incorporated even in 0.1 mol % of catalyst under mild conditions, affording a wide range of α,β-diamino acid esters with quarternary carbon-centers. Preliminary mechanistic studies uncovered that the unique electrophilic cyclopalladated species could easily react with diazoacetates to generate a Pd-carbenoid intermediate which was involved in the catalytic cycle.

Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe Chinese Academy of Sciences;the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21222203;21172226;21133011)
Indexed BySCI
Funding Project有机功能材料研究组
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Cited Times:95[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHuang HM(黄汉民)
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Lanzhou Inst Chem Phys, State Key Lab Oxo Synth & Select Oxidat, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Qin GP,Li LX,Li JW,et al. Palladium-Catalyzed Formal Insertion of Carbenoids into Aminals via C-N Bond Activation[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society,2015,137(39):12490-12493.
APA Qin GP,Li LX,Li JW,Huang HM,&黄汉民.(2015).Palladium-Catalyzed Formal Insertion of Carbenoids into Aminals via C-N Bond Activation.Journal of the American Chemical Society,137(39),12490-12493.
MLA Qin GP,et al."Palladium-Catalyzed Formal Insertion of Carbenoids into Aminals via C-N Bond Activation".Journal of the American Chemical Society 137.39(2015):12490-12493.
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