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Comparative investigations of the thermal expansivity of MgO at high temperature
Sun XW(孙小伟); Liu ZJ(刘子江); Chen QF(陈齐峰); Quan WL(权伟亮); Chen ZG(陈宗广); Li YH(李永海)
Source PublicationMaterials Research Bulletin
AbstractMolecular dynamics simulations have been performed to investigate the thermal expansivity of MgO at high temperature using the very similar Lewis–Catlow and Stoneham–Sangster shell model potentials. In order to take account of non-central forces in crystals, the breathing shell model is also introduced in simulation. The volume thermal-expansion coefficient aP of MgO dependence of the temperature T at 0 and 135 GPa have been obtained and compared with the available experimental and theoretical results. Compared with shell model potentials, the molecular dynamics results obtained using breathing shell model potentials are more compressible. At an extended pressure and temperature ranges, aP has also been predicted.
KeywordOxides Thermal Expansion
Subject Area材料科学与物理化学
Funding Organizationthe National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant no. 10674120;the Science and Technology Development Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics under Grant no. 2007A01002;the ‘Qing Lan’ Talent Engineering Funds for Lanzhou Jiaotong University under Grant no. QL-06-22A;the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province of China under Grant no. 0803RJZA106;the Scientific Research Foundation of the Education Bureau of Gansu Province of China under Grant no. 0711-01
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Cited Times:6[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSun XW(孙小伟)
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Sun XW,Liu ZJ,Chen QF,et al. Comparative investigations of the thermal expansivity of MgO at high temperature[J]. Materials Research Bulletin,2009,44:1729-1733.
APA 孙小伟,刘子江,陈齐峰,权伟亮,陈宗广,&李永海.(2009).Comparative investigations of the thermal expansivity of MgO at high temperature.Materials Research Bulletin,44,1729-1733.
MLA 孙小伟,et al."Comparative investigations of the thermal expansivity of MgO at high temperature".Materials Research Bulletin 44(2009):1729-1733.
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